Experiment Artwork

一比ㄧ | 藝術創作

自我挑戰對話自我認識。 放大其中概念以自己等大的尺寸出發,挑戰嘗試思考穩固支撐大型作品的結構方法及多重細節如元素結合方法。使用不同素材表現對自己的認知。創造宛如自畫像,反射自我的命題。 不自覺得散發歡樂,傳遞正面能量。 嘗試運用海綿球與球池球搭配彈性鋼做支撐。 做一個能夠如同光源般渲染歡樂氣氛的作品。
Challenge is the journey of self-talking. Strength this concept into portrait myself from the innermost world. Using different material as a paint, and experiment the structure of these massive components.
It’s a task reflect the inner-self.
Spreading the joy and optimistic spontaneously. Using colorful material such as sponge ball and childlike ball pool plastic ball. Combine with elastic steel as structure. Create an art like a lighthouse. Try to lighten the surrounding with pleasure and happiness.
It’s my pleasure.
"It is my pleasure"

Pleasure is a broad class of mental states that humans and other animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking. It includes more specific mental states such as happiness, entertainment, enjoyment, ecstasy, and euphoria. How can I bring this feeling to the audience from the material, form, and color? I trace back to the childhood memory of ball pit. The perfect storm of a joyful hurricane that every kid's one to dive in.
Concept Drawing
Maxied Material
200x150 (cm)

Concept Poster
59.4 x 84.1 (cm)