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Help young adults navigate from the overwhelming option of streaming services.

The ultimate entertainment explorer



Navigate young adults from overwhelming options on streaming platforms.


Wilson Wu



Role / Contribution

Design Research

Design Strategy

User Experience Design

User Interface Design

Visual Design


With the boom of streaming services such as Netflix, Disney+, Youtube..., the way we watch shows and movies has altered drastically — and not just in terms of medium. With this much power, bizarre human habits emerge.

After understanding how younger adults are impacted by the new bubbling streaming media services, and how they seek media entertainment. The research found a reoccurring pattern.

They spending time browsing and overwhelmed by the option. By the end of the day, they give up thinking, ending with watching something they watched before.

We proposed a entertainment recommender app, which matches the user with new content with short, light, movie clips. We present users with sneak peek of several clips of the content. The recommendation will always come from the same genre, same cast, or mood that the user interested in.

Moreover, user can curator their own "channel" just like creating their own music playlist, getting the latest entertainment trend, and search unknown content through video/image search.

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“Technological advances naturally bred changes in human behavior.”

Embark the journey to understand the impact of video streaming services.

I think it can not be stated better than what the Washington Post summarized it.


"Technological advances naturally breed changes in human behavior. With the boom of streaming services such as Netflix, Disney+, Youtube..., the way we watch shows and movies has starting to alter drastically — and not just in terms of medium. With this much power, new human habits emerge.”

Witnessing the dramatic change, I begin my journey on the impact of streaming media services.

Research Goal

To learn how younger adults are impacted by the new bubbling streaming media services, which change the landscape of their viewing habits. 

To understand how young adults seek media entertainment on video streaming services.

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But... Why Younger adult?

92% of US college students have Netflix account...

...that bodes well for the future of the streaming juggernaut.

In a new survey of US college students, commissioned by LendEDU, only 8% of respondents said they didn't have a Netflix account. That means that a whopping 92% have Netflix.

The vast majority of college students have access to Netflix, even if they don't have their own account, and that bodes well for the future of the streaming juggernaut.

- Business Insider, Aug. 2017

Compare to other demography, I believed the younger adult demography is the most valuable target to learn, Consider they are rather first to the party, How are they coping with this new streaming services, can be the stepping stone of envisioning future entertainment landscape, and also the interesting entry of product design opportunity.

Research Inquiry

Secondary Research

Search on the internet regarding paper, trends, report.. of current streaming services. Synthesize key index from human behavior to competitive landscape. 

Survey Inquiry /Screening

Post up an inquiry survey on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slack, Instagram, and Private Message. Screen the potential target audience that reaches 1200+ views.

Expert Interview

Learn about current industries landscape and mechanism from someone inside the streaming industries.


Manage to have a 45 mins interview regarding viewing habit and current streaming experience with 6 heavy streaming service users.

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Mark Quijano

Software engineer at Roku
(Leading Streaming player, Smart TV provider).

6 heavy video streaming services users screening from 1200+ survey respond.


Rich with all the knowledge that we had learned, I started mapping out all these interviews. As we arranged these post-its over and over, an initial very broad framework and themes started to emerge.


Television is not in the center anymore.

For young adults, TV is no longer dominant as the top touchpoint when it comes to streaming services. The medium diversifies greatly to meet individual lifestyle.

Always Always Always 


Young adults usually are not 100% focused on the screen. They treat it as a company, with dinner, house chores, commute, brainless work.

Binge-watching everyday?
They are sane.

Extreme cases (Binge-watching) do happen, however it doesn’t happen that much. It’s not as pathological as mass media exaggerate.

Overwhelmed by choice leads to shorter, lighter or watched content.

Younger adults are overwhelmed by numerous entertainment choices on streaming services, therefore they tend to choose whatever option are the least cognitive load.

I am particularly interested in our insight and the phase that indicates a conflict mental pattern of our user. I use reframe all the notes in Journey mapping twice and 2x2 matrix to further dissect the context and the behavior.

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Segment the heavy streaming users' behavior using 2x2 matrix. 

Conflicted Compromiser indicates an interesting opportunities area.

What intrigues me the most is the conflicted compromiser, they are so interesting. They usually look for new content initially, but when they are choosing content, they spending time of time browsing, and overwhelmed by the option.


By the end of the day, they give up thinking, ending with watching sth they watch before.


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How might we navigate young adults from overwhelming options on streaming platforms and explore their guaranteed entertainment?

To them, the numerous option on the homepage does not intrigue them to explore countless entertainment, but an intimidating option over-flood causing them brain crash to make a decision.

Explore Concept

I use value proposition canvas to better formalized and structured their goal, their pain, and possible gain to pictured the product services for the design opportunities. 

For user’s goal, is finding what to them considered guaranteed entertainment on streaming services platform. We proposed An entertainment recommendation service, that can

  •  Filter and prioritize option on streaming services what truly matters to user

  •  Provide recommendation that is sharp and quick and user related

  • Link/follow or access to artist information effortless 

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The recommendation may be just like ice cream sample, tasting before you buy it.


Shorter, Lighter and

start with Familiar content.

How can we provide recommendation that works better on even differently for our target audience?


Interestingly, the insight that embark from the beginning actually once help me again when develop features. The recommendation should be just like ice cream sample tasting before you buy it. Shorter, Lighter and start with Familiar content.  We present user with a sneak peek or several clips of the content. The recommendation will always comes form same genre, same cast, or mood that user interested,


After countless iteration on wireframe and mockup. The flows are steadily takeing their shape.

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High fidelity Mockup

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Channel page

Home page

Sample page - Movie

Sample page TV shows


user swipe up to for more info

content that user shows interested is created as channel(playlist)


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